Organisations and Charities

Memorable, engaging and affordable, our sessions are designed to encourage a healthy appetite for learning.
Throughout our team (based around the UK), we work in partnership with social and community enterprises running pre-structured and bespoke cookery sessions. Our sessions encompass many of the aims of funded projects an charities and fulfil many of their criteria through our range of services. It is always a real privilege to run community and charity based sessions and something that our team really loves to do.
Our classes offer interactive learning with plenty of opportunity for 'hands on' experience in a supportive learning environment. Each child has their own workstation to cook their own dish to take home. We have a huge range of recipes - sweet and savoury for you to chose from. Our sessions are designed to be fun whilst children learn life skills that will stand them in good stead. Everyone joins in to make something delicious to take home.
We can hold a one-off session with a single group or host on-going weekly/monthly sessions. We can deliver a wide variety of sessions and provide everything that is needed.
Each child receives:
An apron to wear, all cooking equipment/utensils and ingredients, a craft activity to complete whilst the food cooks, a wipeable recipe card to take home along with all packaging.
Here are examples of the varied sessions we have delivered within the community.
For more information or to discuss how we can help you, please get in touch with your requirements. We'll be pleased to give you some ideas for the best sessions to suit your requirements and provide quotes.
Get in touch for more details
Find your local Cook Stars:
We have had the privilege of working with the following organisations:
Calon Cymru
TLC Fostering
Schools taking part in the 'Healthy Schools Scheme
Children's University Accredited Provider (Cardiff uni)
Flying Start
Special Stars Foundation
Manor Farm Camping
Reach UK
Sydenham High GDST
The Multiply Project
Versus Arthritis
Foodies Festival
University of South Wales
Guides, Scouts, Brownies
Menter Bro Morgannwg
Howell's Holiday Camps
Hull and East Yorkshire
Children's University
Sessions for people with diabetes
Buzzers Academies (Bromley)
Alopecia UK
Role Play Lane
AP Cymru
Vale of Glamorgan Council Youth Service
Building Bridges Charity
Quest busters Charity
Blaenavon Community
Caerphilly Young Carers
Families and Schools Together
Sure Start
Young Carers
Aneurin Bevan Sports Development
Newport Home Education team
Cardiff Montessori School
Maesglas Community Centre
The Family Learning School
Your Bromley: Bromley Business Improvement District
Newington Academy
Children's UNI
Vale of Glamorgan - Back On Track sessions
Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale Children and Families
Essex Youth Service
Essex Young Carers