Covid 19 Statement
Our policy, practices and procedures are based on the latest government guidance that applies nationally and regionally.
In light of the current outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we have implemented a number of stringent measures based on government advice to ensure children, parents and our staff can continue to enjoy cooking with us at our face to face classes. We have also introduced online sessions in response to the situation.
You can read more here about some of the guidance we are following:
Our terms and conditions now state:
All parents/carers must answer all questions in full and agree to the terms and conditions before a child can be accepted at the cookery sessions/workshops.
Any changes to the information contained on the Registration Form, whether it be contact details, medical details, change of address, etc., must be notified in writing by the parent/carer as soon as possible to the class leader.
The below information outlines our process, however if you would like to see the full details of our polices and procedures in response to Covid-19, please ask a Cook Stars member of staff who will be happy to share these with you.
Changes you will see at Cook Stars sessions:
1. At Cook Stars our staff will we be adhering to the most up to date government guidelines.
2. Group sizes at our sessions will be no more than 15 children.
3. Increased hand washing and hand sanitising requirements.
4. Parents will need to self-certify that there have been no symptoms in the household for the last 14 days.
5. Increased cleaning of venues, equipment and utensils.
6. Social distancing during drop off and pick up with no parents allowed past registration table or in the venue.
7. Adapted classes to make for as safe an environment as possible.
8. Children will no longer share any equipment or ingredients.
Potential Risks:
-Spread of infection from a child to another child
-Spread of infection from a parent to another parent
-Spread of infection from a child to their, or another parent
-Virus Spread via surface contact
-Virus Spread during activities
-Development of Covid 19 symptoms during class
-Transfer of virus from venue to venue via equipment handling
Precautions we are taking:
- Venue cleaned before opening, after cooking and again after dismissal.
- Cleaning to be undertaken using antibacterial disinfectant, disposable wipes and cloths.
- General cleaning and wiping down before, during and after activities to minimise spread risk.
- Regular hand washing and hand sanitiser.
- Encouraging hand washing before cooking and after cooking and should it be required at other times.
- Ensure soap and hand sanitiser stocks are plentiful at each venue.
- Suitable hand drying or disposable paper towels available.
- PPE - disposable gloves, masks, and aprons will be available to staff if required for administering first aid.
- Each child to have their own individual equipment for use during our sessions.
- Equipment only used by one person before complete wash down.
- No use of shared equipment / items.
- We reserve the right to refuse admittance to anyone displaying symptoms.
- We reserve the right to ask children to be picked up early - if they develop symptoms, or show signs of symptoms for Coronavirus.
- Should your child display or develop symptoms whilst at home, we ask that they stay at home and self isolate and follow the Government guidelines. We politely ask that children don't return to any of our sessions until this period has completed.
- Please let us know immediately if your child develops symptoms following their attendance at our sessions.
- If anyone in your household has symptoms, or develops symptoms prior to the session, or during the time you have a booking with us - we ask that your child does not attend our sessions and that you practice self isolation. As per government guidelines, we ask for a minimum requirement of 14 days without symptom in order to attend. We thank you for your co-operation with this.
- Guidelines on timelines and Self Isolation advice can be found here:
Symptoms & Self Isolation - NHS Guidance
Dropping Your Child To Class:
-At least 1+m Social Distancing Measures will be required during registration and collection.
-No parents will be permitted to enter the venue (past the registration point) for the safety of all our attended and staff.
- We reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone showing visible symptoms.
Picking Up Your Child:
-At least 1m Social Distancing Measures will be in place during collection.
-No parents will be permitted to enter the venue.
-Please make yourself known to staff who will ask your child to come and meet you.
-Children will wash and sanitise their hands prior to leaving the venue.
-Children will be brought to meet you at the entrance.
-We thank you for your patience as this will take longer than usual.
Distancing measures during activities:
We will be making every effort to keep 1+m distance between our staff members, and between staff and children where safe and suitable to do so.
Attendees will be encouraged to remain apart from each other throughout the session, and activities will be adjusted to allow for distancing.
Tables and individual equipment will be set up to allow for adequate distancing.
No equipment or utensils will be shared between class attendees.
Group sizing will be dependent on total attendance.
-Maximum Capacity will be 15 children
-Staffing Ratios will be 1:14
-Hand washing will be undertaken before cooking, after cooking and before children leave to meet parents at the end of the session.
-Sanitising of surfaces and equipment will be undertaken following the completion of an activity.
-Children will be discouraged from moving around the room unless they are washing their hands or using the toilet.
-Sharing of ingredients and utensils and other items is strictly prohibited.
We take our duty of care to all attendees, guardians and staff very seriously and all reasonable precautions and steps to adhere to distancing measures will be taken. Due to the nature of our sessions - which are mostly a stationary activity children will not be encouraged to mix at any stage during the session, however due to children's inherit desire to interact we are unable to guarantee that a minimum distance of 1+m will be adhered to for the continuation of the whole session. Where possible we will ensure distancing is observed. By allowing your child to attend our session you provide consent that you are in agreement with these measures and terms.
If symptoms develop or present during a session:
-We will isolate the child from other children as soon as possible
-Safely supervise the child with appropriate distance to the situation (staff will wear PPE should it not be possible to maintain a distance of less than 1m.
-The child's parent will be contacted the parent immediately.
- Advise parent to seek guidance and self isolate alongside the government guidelines.
- Following the child being collected, the immediate area will be disinfected and any equipment which they have been in contact with will be cleaned.
- Staff members will wash their hands and change clothing after the child has been collected.
- The incident will be reported and noted.
- Staff will monitor other attendees for symptoms.
In the event that we are unable to run a classroom session due to Covid 19 issues, then, as an alternative, the class will go ahead at the same time as advertised, as an online, interactive session via Zoom and all instructions will be sent out ahead of time. Any difference in price, may be carried over to the next half term, or refunded if requested.